Market Analysis e Audit Amazon

Market Analysis and Audit

The potential and sustainability of a project starts with an in-depth analysis and study of the market, brand and products, conducting:

  • Amazon channel audit and Amazon Ads (if already existing)
  • Marginality and revenue analysis
  • Market Share and Market Value analysis
  • Content verification (headlines, bullet points, images, enriched content and minisites)

Strategy and Account Management

We optimise and maximise your performance on Amazon in the various sales modes (Seller or Vendor); we offer complete channel management with 360° services, including:

  • Setting up your Seller or Vendor account
  • Registration and brand protection in Amazon Brand Registry
  • Business Plan and Marketing Plan definition (promo and adv)
  • Monitoring and advanced reporting for performance definition and product positioning
  • Logistics management and margin/tax calculation
  • Support cases management with Amazon assistance
  • Amazon administrative support
Strategia e gestione account Amazon
Listing e brand Amazon

Listing and Branding

We build your catalogue from an Amazon SEO perspective, selecting strategic keywords to increase visibility. We support brands in the creation of Images, Enriched Content and Amazon Minisites for consistent and distinctive communication.

  • Catalogue creation and optimisation in view of SEO and keyword implementation
  • Listing and content upload
  • Image creation and optimisation
  • Minivideo creation and optimisation
  • Creation and optimisation of enriched content
  • Creation and optimisation of Brand Store/Minisite

Amazon Advertising and Promo

We develop Amazon advertising strategies to increase conversions, improve brand awareness and gain market share. We index products among the first search pages and position them effectively to reach the identified target audience.

  • Media Plan with Full Funnel strategy
  • Set up, manage and monitor Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Display campaigns
  • Creation of advertising creativity (minivideos, banners, creative content)
  • Set-up, management and monitoring of DSP campaigns
  • Trend and result analysis with dashboards showing key KPIs (Click, CPC, Impression, ROAS…)
  • Implementation of Promo and Discount Strategies
Amazon Advertising e Promo Amazon
Strategia data driven Amazon

Data driven strategy

Through our in-house Bettershop Analytics software and other innovative tools, we are able to define strategies driven by:

  • Revenue analysis
  • Click analysis
  • Traffic and conversion analysis
  • Organic positioning analysis
  • Catalogue and marginality analysis
  • Various other data

For whom

Whether it is your first approach or you already have a Seller or Vendor account
Incrementa le vendite su Amazon
Not yet on the world's most important marketplace? With us you can start to increase your sales!
Miglioramento Business Amazon
Do you want to improve your performance on Amazon? Let us find the best way to improve your business.
Mercati Amazon
Expand your Amazon horizons into other markets, from Europe to the Middle East, from America to North Africa.