Our Software

Bettershop Analytics software is our proprietary platform developed in-house that gives our partners strategic insights into data. It allows you to make data-driven decisions with customised dashboards based on metrics such as sales, searches customers make on the portal each month, growth trends, your product study and much more.
Bettershop Analytics
Bettershop Analytics

Our Software

Bettershop Analytics software is our proprietary platform developed in-house that gives our partners strategic insights into data. It allows you to make data-driven decisions with customised dashboards based on metrics such as sales, searches customers make on the portal each month, growth trends, your product study and much more.


Brand Protection

Monitor your brand’s product pages to ensure that features such as titles, bullet points or images are not changed. In this way the brand identity and information will always be consistent and accurate.

Tutela del brand Amazon

Market Analysis

Through our software, we are able to analyse customer search trends on Amazon, so as to understand the potential for product success. We can track data such as sales volume and price, market trends and product traffic.

Market Analysis Amazon

Logistics Management

Our software works proactively to calculate and forecast sales in the coming months, so that stock replenishments can be updated without having to exceed quantities.

Gestione della logistica Amazon

Marginality calculation

Calculating product margins is crucial for a sustainable and solid project. We analyse which products are the most profitable for the brand and estimate the costs involved in selling them, identifying the desired margins and calculating the best prices for the end customer.

Calcolo della marginalità Amazon

Data visualization

Data visualisation is simplified thanks to dedicated dashboards showing data in organised tabs. With Bettershop Analytics it is possible to get immediate information so that you can focus on your final strategy.

Data visualization Amazon

AI support for ADV campaigns

Human expertise remains fundamental in supervision and strategy, but the automated component of Artificial Intelligence becomes a key tool for supporting the optimisation of KPIs such as keywords, search terms, target bids to improve performance.

Campagne ADV Amazon